This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Mac

  1. This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Mac Os
  2. This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Macbook Pro
  3. This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Macbook Air
  4. This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension Mac

Requires R.

Option is not selected during the installation, this notification message appears once users connect to the gateway. This notification appears if your administrator has configured either split tunnel on the GlobalProtect gateway, enforced GlobalProtect connections for network access on the GlobalProtect portal (see GlobalProtect App Customization), or both.

Virus Name: “this setting is enforced by your administrator” Virus Categories: Browser Hijacker, Browser virus, Adware Detailed Description of “this setting is enforced by your administrator” Virus “this setting is enforced by your administrator” Virus is considered as a browser hijackers. If you happen to find your default homepage or search engine is replaced, “this. When the user next logs into the Office 365 portal, they will be prompted to set up their Multi-Factor Authentication options. Once set, the MFA status will change to enforced and apply for future logins. Users who do not commonly access through a web browser can be sent the following link to configure their settings: This command uses the Symantec team identifier to pre-approve Symantec kernel extensions on Mac. Team identifiers that are set through this command are stored in non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM), which persists even when the Mac powers off. If you reset the NVRAM, the kernel extensions require reapproval.

We recommend using this extension with radian, an alternative R console with multiline editing and rich syntax highlighting.


Full document is on the Wiki page

  • For Windows, if is empty, then the path to R.exe will be searched in Windows registry. If your R is not installed with path written in registry or if you need a specific R executable path, set it to a path like 'C:Program FilesRR-3.3.4binx64R.exe'.
  • For Radian console, enable config r.bracketedPaste
  • Open your folder that has R source file (Can't work if you open only file)
  • Use F1 key and R: command or Ctrl+Enter (Mac: ⌘+Enter)
This setting is enforced by an extension for mac os


  • Run Source(Ctrl+Shift+S or Push icon) and Run Selected Line (Ctrl+Enter) (Mac: Ctrl to )
  • Run functions:
    • nrow (Show number of rows for selected object)
    • length (Show length for a selected object)
    • head (Show first part of a selected object)
    • thead (Show first part of a selected object (transposed))
    • names (Show names for a selected object)
  • R Integrated Terminal
  • Run all commands in terminal containing existing R session (enable config r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal)

  • Extended Syntax(R, R Markdown, R Documentation)

  • Create .gitignore based R.gitignore

  • Data frame viewer and Environment viewer(Preview Data frame or Preview Environment)

  • Snippets

  • Package development short cut (Load All, Test Package, Install Package, Build Package and Document)

  • Bind keys to custom R commands using command runner functions (r.runCommand, r.runCommandWithEditorPath, r.runCommandWithSelectionOrWord)

  • RStudio Addins - a subset of the {rstudiopi} is supported (detail is here)


  • R base from

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • set to R.exe path for Windows

  • r.rterm.mac: set to R term's path for Mac OS X

  • r.rterm.linux: set to R term's path for Linux

  • r.rpath.lsp: set to R.exe path for Language Server Protocol

  • r.rterm.option: R command line options (i.e: --vanilla)

  • r.source.encoding: An optional encoding to pass to R when executing the file

  • r.source.focus: Keeping focus when running (editor or terminal)

  • r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal: Use active terminal for all commands, rather than creating a new R terminal

  • r.bracketedPaste: For consoles supporting bracketed paste mode (such as Radian)

  • r.sessionWatcher: Enable R session watcher (experimental)

  • r.rtermSendDelay: Delay in milliseconds before sending each line to rterm (only applies if r.bracketedPaste is false)

  • r.rmarkdown.enableCodeLens: Enable RMarkdown CodeLens, which are inline commands/buttons e.g. 'Run Chunk | Run Above' shown on the first line of each code chunk.

    • Click the buttons to run commands.
    • Hover on the buttons to show tooltips.
    • CodeLens commands are customizable via settings UI (Rmarkdown: Code Lens commands) or settings.json r.rmarkdown.codeLensCommands
  • r.rmarkdown.codeLensCommands: Customize RMarkdown CodeLens, which are inline commands/buttons e.g. 'Run Chunk | Run Above' shown on the first line of each code chunk.

    Details Available commands:
    • r.selectCurrentChunk
    • r.runCurrentChunk
    • r.runAboveChunks
    • r.runCurrentAndBelowChunks
    • r.runBelowChunks
    • r.runAllChunks
    • r.runPreviousChunk
    • r.runNextChunk
    • r.goToPreviousChunk
    • r.goToNextChunk

    Customize both the commands AND its orders (that is, CodeLens respect user-specified orders). Default commands:

    • r.runCurrentChunk
    • r.runAboveChunks
    • <Add item...>
  • r.rmarkdown.chunkBackgroundColor: RMarkdown chunk background color in RGBA or RGB value.

    Details Defaults to rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1). Leave it empty to disable it (use default editor background color). Reload VS Code after changing settings. Learn how to set colors:

    Examples for syntax rgba(<red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha>):

    • rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)
    • rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.3)
    • rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.1)
  • Language server(developing here)

R Session Watcher (Experimental)

This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Mac Os

This experimental feature is still under development and the behaviormay change without notice. Please file an issue here if you experience problems or have any suggestions.

An opt-in experimental R session watcher is implemented to support the following features:

  • Watch any R session
  • Show value of session symbols on hover
  • Provide completion for session symbols
  • View() any objects including data frames and list objects
  • Show plot output on update and plot history
  • Show htmlwidgets, documentation and shiny apps in WebView
  • Execute RStudio addins

Basic usage

To enable this feature, turn on r.sessionWatcher in VSCode settings, reload or restart VSCode, and the session watcher will be activated automaticallyon R sessions launched by vscode-R via R: Create R Terminal command.

If you previously appended the source(...) line to ~/.Rprofile, you may safely remove it since the configuration for basic usage is automated. It isnow only necessary for advanced usage described below.

Advanced usage (for self-managed R sessions)

For advanced users to work with self-managed R sessions (e.g. manually launched R terminal or started in tmux or screen window), some extraconfiguration is needed. Follow the steps below to make R session watcher work with any external R session:

  1. Turn on r.sessionWatcher in VSCode settings.

  2. Edit .Rprofile in your home directory by running the following code in R:

  3. Append the following code to the file:

  4. Restart or Reload Window in VSCode

If the workspace folder you open in VSCode already has a .Rprofile, you need to append the code above in this file too because ~/.Rprofile will notbe executed when a local .Rprofile is found.

The script only works with environment variable TERM_PROGRAM=vscode. the script will not take effect with R sessions started in a tmux or screen window that does not have it, unless this environment variable is manually set before sourcing init.R, for example, you may insert a line Sys.setenv(TERM_PROGRAM='vscode') before it.

Available functions and options

When the session watcher is initialized on session startup, a local environment named tools:vscode is attached and the following functions are made available for user to interoperate with VSCode:

All WebView-related functions have a viewer argument which could be one of the values defined invscode-api#ViewColumn, .e.g.'Active' (current editor), 'Two' (editor group 2), or 'Beside' (always show besides the current editor).

The following options are available for user to customize the session watcher functionality and behavior:

The first values are the default and all subsequent values after | are available choices.The 'Two' | 'Active' | 'Beside' are popular values from ViewColumn to specify which view column should the corresponding tab appears in VSCode.

RStudio addin support

The session watcher allows RStudio addins to be executed via an {rstudioapi} emulation layer.

To enable this feature, set options(vsc.rstudioapi = TRUE) in your .Rprofile.

The extension provides the command r.launchAddinPicker which opens a filterable list of installed addins that can be launched. Bind this to a key, or access it from the command palette as R: Launch RStudio Addin.

Alternatively, individual addin functions can be bound to keys using r.runRCommand as described in Creating keybindings for R commands below.

See the wiki for lists of supported {rstudioapi} commands, and verified compatible addin packages.

How to disable it

For the case of basic usage, turning off r.sessionWatcher in VSCode settings is sufficientto disable R session watcher.

This setting is enforced by an extension mac

For the case of advanced usage, user should, in addition, comment out or remove the source(...) line appended to ~/.Rprofile.

How it works

  • When vscode-R is activated with session watcher enabled, it deploys the initialization script to ~/.vscode-R/init.R.
  • vscode-R watches ~/.vscode-R/request.log for requests from user R sessions.
  • When a new R session is created, it sources init.R to initialize the session watcher and writes attach request to ~/.vscode-R/request.log.
  • vscode-R reads the attach request and knows the working directory and session temp directory ({tempDir}) of the attaching session.
  • vscode-R watches {tempDir}/vscode-R/globalenv.json for global environment info and {tempDir}/vscode-R/plot.png for plot graphics.
  • In the R session, the global environment info will be updated on each evaluation of top-level expression.
  • When user creates or updates a plot, the {tempDir}/vscode-R/plot.png is updated, and vscode-R will open the plot file.
  • When user calls View() with a data frame, list, environment, or any other object, the request is written to ~/.vscode-R/request.log andvscode-R will open a WebView to show the data or open a text document to show the content of the object.
  • When user calls the viewer (e.g. htmlwidget, provis) or browser (e.g. shiny app, HTML help documentation), the request is written to ~/.vscode-R/request.log and vscode-R will open a WebView to present the viewer content.

R sessions started from the workspace root folder or a subfolder will be automatically attached. The session watcher is designed to work in a wide range of scenarios:

  • Official R terminal or radian console
  • R session started by vscode-R or user
  • R session in a tmux or screen window
  • Multiple R sessions in VSCode terminal
  • Multiple R sessions in tmux windows or panes.
  • Multi-root workspace in VSCode
  • Switch between multiple running R sessions
  • Remote Development via SSH, WSL and Docker

This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Macbook Pro

The status bar item shows the process id of the attached R session. Click the status bar item and it willattach to currently active session.

The R terminal used in the screenshot is radian which is cross-platform andsupports syntax highlighting, auto-completion and many other features.

Creating keybindings for R commands

There are 3 ways you can use extension functions to create keybindings that run R commands in the terminal:

  1. r.runCommand to make a keybinding to run any R expression.
  2. r.runCommandWithEditorPath to create a keybinding for an R expression where the placeholder value $$ is interpolated with the current file path.
  3. runCommandWithSelectionOrWord to create a keybinding for an R expression where $$ is interpolated with the current selection or the current word the cursor is on.

This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension For Macbook Air

Here are some example entries from keybindings.json:


  • Debug

This Setting Is Enforced By An Extension Mac


  • Please see

This extension based on

This setting is enforced by an extension for mac os


I hope you will join us.


  • Q: I can't use command and message is xxx no command found.

  • A: Please open your folder that has R source file

  • Q: About code formatter, completion, definition...

  • A: Please visit to the language server issues

Other past questions can be found from StackOverflow or issues

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