How To Kill Earth Elemental Witcher 3


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The King Is Dead/Lonhg Live The King - Kill The Earth Elemental gameplay.

Explore the secret chamber using your Witcher Senses. / Kill the earth elemental. In the next room you will find the mask you came here for. Unfortunately, it is guarded by an earth elemental and you will have to kill it. / Kill the earth elemental. / Take a trophy from the earth elemental. Use the aard sign and hit the egg-shaped stone on the pedestal. When you do that, the barrier will disappear and you will be able to kill the earth elemental - Therazane. In his corpse you will find earth elemental trophy (10% Chance to dismember), and a relic steel sword. 'Altar' at the entrance to the forge Now you must reach the Iron Mine marker South from Kaer Morhen, at the river (western side). Once you enter the cave, you will quickly find an Earth elemental at level 30. Once you kill him, walk to the 'altar' and place the book you found previously on it.

Earth Elemental

Creature ClassElementa
Range of Health(info here)
LocationsSouth of Crookback Bog
WeaknessesDimeritium Bomb, Elementa Oil

Earth Elemental is an Creature/Monster in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

'How to survive an encounter with an earth elemental? Simple. Run. Fast as you can.
— Nino Murk, bounty hunter
Earth elementals are made of mud, clay, sand and rock dust clumped together with water and brought alive with magic. While seemingly slow and ponderous, these creatures are nevertheless dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.'

How To Kill Earth Elemental Witcher 3

Earth Elemental Information

  • Found in: Velen
  • Drops: Elemental Essence, Lesser Glyph of Quen, Infused Shard, Fifth Essence
  • Associated Quests:


  • Weaknesses: Dimeritium Bomb, Elementa Oil
  • Attacks:

Kill The Earth Elemental

Earth Elementals have very similar attack patterns to Gargoyles and Golems.
Their high armor and exceptionally large health pools can make these fights lengthy and extremely difficult for impatient players.
You'll see me using Fast Attacks in the video, but Strong Attacks are actually more effective. The reason I'm not using them is because I have 0 points in this skill line
and 10 points in Fast Attack.
Rolling is preferred to dodging in this fight as most of his swipes are high and his jump attacks have long range. Rolling takes you out the reach of this attack, whereas dodging won't.
Aside from Elementa Oil, Earth Elementals don't really have any weaknesses. I suggest using the Quen Sign to mitigate some of the high damage hits this enemy can do,
and just taking the fight slow and steady. You will eventually down him if you are patient.

How To Kill Earth Elemental Witcher 3

Trivia & Lore

  • Notes on Lore and players notes go here.
Abaya ♦ Alghoul ♦ Arachas ♦ Archespore ♦ Archgriffin ♦ Armored Arachas ♦ Bandit ♦ Basilisk ♦ Bear ♦ Berserker ♦ Bilge Hag ♦ Botchling ♦ Brewess ♦ Caranthir ♦ Cave Troll ♦ Chort ♦ Cockatrice ♦ Crone ♦ Cyclops ♦ D'ao ♦ Deserter ♦ Devil by the Well ♦ Devourer ♦ Diagram Elven Steel Sword ♦ Djinn ♦ Dog ♦ Doppler ♦ Drowned Dead ♦ Drowner ♦ Ekhidna ♦ Ekimmara ♦ Endrega Drone ♦ Endrega Warrior ♦ Endrega Worker ♦ Erynia ♦ Fiend ♦ Fire Elemental ♦ Foglet ♦ Forktail ♦ Fugas ♦ Gael ♦ Gargoyle ♦ Ghost ♦ Ghoul ♦ Godling ♦ Golem ♦ Grave Hag ♦ Graveir ♦ Griffin ♦ Hagubman ♦ Harpy ♦ Harrisi ♦ Higher Vampire ♦ Hound of the Wild Hunt ♦ Howler ♦ Hym ♦ Ice Elemental ♦ Ice Giant ♦ Ice Troll ♦ Ifrit ♦ Ignis Fatuus ♦ Imp ♦ Jenny O' the Woods ♦ Katakan ♦ Kernun ♦ King of Wolves ♦ Lamia ♦ Leshen ♦ Melusine ♦ Morvudd ♦ Mourntart ♦ Mucknixer ♦ Nekker ♦ Nekker Warrior ♦ Nightwraith ♦ Nithral ♦ Noonwraith ♦ Opinicus ♦ Penitent ♦ Pesta ♦ Pirate ♦ Plague Maiden ♦ Renegade ♦ Rock Troll ♦ Rotfiend ♦ Royal Griffin ♦ Royal Wyvern ♦ Salma ♦ Sarasti ♦ Shrieker ♦ Speartip ♦ Succubus ♦ Sylvan ♦ Tangalore ♦ The Apiarian Phantom ♦ The Dragon of Fyresdal ♦ Therazane ♦ Ulfhedinn ♦ Vampire ♦ Venomous Arachas ♦ Vodnick ♦ Warg ♦ Water Hag ♦ Werewolf ♦ Wham-a-Wham ♦ White Lady ♦ White Wolf ♦ Wild Dog ♦ Wolf ♦ Woodland Spirit ♦ Wraith ♦ Wyvern

Witcher 3 Elemental Oil

How To Kill Earth Elemental Witcher 3



Witcher 3 Fire Elemental

Earth Elemental unkillable?
I've been around in the first 2 parts of the world for a while now, but i seem to encounter monsters i just can't kill.
I have slain lv 15 wayvern with just lv 4, but some things just instakill me and don't even take a scratch of damage.
(I'm lv 12 now)
Example: Earth Elemental
Lv: ?? < Yes, two question marks, take a look at the picture.
I don't get any damage shown if i attack him. If i use Thunderbold + Elementar Oil, i get ~ 30 damage.
What to do? :s
Also happend with a lv 20 howler... i can't finish that quest.